GERMAN SCHOOL circa 1800, follower of Giovanni Battista LAMPI
Portrait of Alexander Bezborodko
Original canvas
Height: 35.5 cm
Width: 29 cm
Bears a number on the reverse of the canvas "468" Bears sales labels in German Bears inscriptions
recent on a label on the reverse of the stretcher "Portrait of Field Marshal Prince Gregoire Potemkin. ."
Our painting is a reprise with variants of Lampi's 1794 work, housed in the Hermitage, St
Petersburg. The variants are significant in the honorific titles: The Maltese Cross and the miniature with
the portrait of Tsar Paul I have been added.
Prince Alexander Bezborodko (1747-1799) was chancellor and foreign minister of the Russian Empire.
Lampi was in Russia from 1791 to 1797 to fulfil commissions from Catherine II of Russia (1729-1796).
The preparatory drawing for the portrait of Prince Bezborodko is kept at the Castello del Buonconsiglio museum in
Trento (acquired in 2002).
We thank Dr. Roberto Pancheri and Fernando Mazzocca for their help in writing this